The Flourisher Team

The Flourisher Team

你认为Floruish and XCM在马来西亚会有很多玩家吗?

X-treme Cuts with Keone

Keone是superhandz member,
这个教学蛮不错的,我喜欢里面的 K Display 和 Big Top.(很多人都会K Display.只是不知道是谁的。。(汗)
我什么会推荐他呢?因为他名字和我相识。。(汗。)我是Keon他是Keone (多了一个E而已。)

Extreme Cuts with Keone 内容 :

* KEO KUT - 3 packet cut with 180 degree mid air spin
* SHAKES - Half Sibling with finger flurry Shake finish
* HALF TWISTED - Mirror image two handed cut, can be done false
* FA SHOW - A Charlier revolution cut, can be done false
* BREEZE - Cut, clip, pivot, and curl? That's a breeze.
* ROLLOUT - Cards roll out under and up the deck
* REMIX - A wicked medley of some familiar card cuts
* JUMP SHOT - Cards are cut and shot into a one-handed fan
* THUMB PIVOT - Cards pivot around each other, off the thumb
* BIG TOP - A cut display with a fan at the top
* K Display - Keone's personal 6-packet card display

Extreme Cuts with Keone 影片 :


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